Monday, April 09, 2007

Sister Goddess Date

Saturday night, four women meeting to celebrate each other's beauty, minds, and unique gifts. No guys, don't get your cameras out. This was the inaugural sister goddess date from the Passiac, Rutherford, Newark, North Arlington chapter. Phew! Following Regena Thomashauer's excellent recommendations in her Mama Gena books, we gathered for a night of festivities. Lovely we all looked and despite a long work week (and an extraordinarily exciting week by one who I will call Athena), we were all up for playful and somber talk. Perhaps the somber bit isn't actually in Mama Gena's recommendation. Her mantra (or womantra, as she would put it) goes: fun and pleasure are the source of a woman's true power. When a woman is at her juicy best, there is nothing she can't do. Indeed. I look forward to rejuvenating my own juiciness after a frigid, drought-inducing winter.


Unknown said...

This winter has been very long and doesn't seem to want to go away quickly. We may need to spend extra time tilling the earth that is our soul to reap the joy of Spring and the love of life that Mama Gena talks about.
I for one plan to play with the dirt inside the house till it gets warmer out. There is a lot more sunshine and buds are starting to appear. The darkness of the winter will soon appear to be but a distant dream, and life and hope will spring forth once more.

Rekha Chedalavada said...

Lourdes, there is that and thanks for finding the optimism in this bleak weather. Of course I'm a sun girl myself - fully my best when bathed with sunlight. So this depletion of heat and sun feels like a permanent retrograde. I can't imagine what further climate changes we have yet to endure.