To the amazement of passersby and the glee of animal enthusiasts a coyote sauntered into a Chicago Quiznos. No worry, no hurry, the fella simply slunk in and hunkered down in the open refrigeration system for sodas, juices and the like. The handsome chap simply cooled his heels. Watch him in action. In this day and age when a woman tries to sell her 7 year-old daughter on the Internet for sex and British naval officers are held prisoners for invasion of water space, this makes for refreshing news. Moreover, since the coyote is such a revered symbol in the animal kingdom, I wondered what such an occurance might portend? What symbolic message would a coyote offer to jaded humanity?
The folks at www.linsdomain.com say this:
If a Coyote totem has appeared in your life, be prepared for "Murphy's Law" to enter your life with a vengeance. Your sense of humor will arise full force in keeping with the things happening around you. Blind dates, things that suddenly don't work, all this is Coyote humor. You need to learn to laugh at yourself and Life's irony.
This coincides with the coyote's reputation of being the Trickster of the animal kingdom. They bring about the lesson of Trust and Seeing through Illusion. Could it be this lone coyote is reminding us of the constant transition in our lives? As spring comes our way to be aware of illusions within ourselves, the unwanted, unneeded aspects on a personal level as well as a planetary frequency. Or perhaps to reveal how close our animal brethern truly exist to us. In any case, we are grateful for a glimpse of this fascinating totem.
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