The priest of cosmic parody, Rob Breszny of FreeWill Astrology entreated readers in his newsmail to make lists of this very thing. In honor or Reverend Rob, here's my list of things that don't suck. Send me yours.
1. Google. On top of making my day with slams against Dubya, Google delights in playing with their own logo. I believe the above is Canada's homage to Autumn Google. US Google actually depicted a Horn of Plenty on the Autumnal Equinox on September 23rd, but foolishly I didn't capture it. If anyone out there finds it, please shoot it my way?
2. Lucinda's Burrito Truck. I've been meaning to write a piece on the culinary delights of those mobile units that dispose of quality eats. Lucinda's is one of those. Always someone interesting standing by the yellow retro logo truck while I'm waiting for my breakfast burrito. The size of a grenade and about as heavy, this egg, cheese and chorizo filled beauty warms the belly with a perfect blend of tastes and textures. Voluptousness wrapped in a tortilla.
3. Ugly Betty. Just caught the season premiere which only solidified my belief that this is the best written comedy on TV. How about that portrait of evil fashion editor Wilhamenia Slater with Dick Cheney? Come ON! It's freaking brilliant.
4. Energetic Body Massage. Owner Isabelle Dassinger of the Healing Zone in Montclair, NJ hires some of the most talented alt healers this side of Deepak Chopra. Ask for Andrea.
5. The Thorns Never would have thought to band this bunch of guys together, but glad they did. As far as rhapsodic road music goes, these guys rock.
6. Although Autumn brings the strange inclination to stuff my face with meats and sweets my body seems to handle it well. Doesn't hurt that I exercise 5 days a week and take hard core AB classes to boot. Highly recommend Vanessa's or Miquel's Core Ab Classes at the NYSC at Harborside, NJ.
7. Storks. My commute happens to take me by the NJ Meadowlands Center in Lyndhurst, NJ. I'm usually able to spot red-winged blackbirds, herons, storks, ducks and swans. Today I spotted dozens and dozens of storks feeding in the early morning marshland. They so didn't suck.
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