Don't know about you but it's draining to ride the waves of transformation these days. To that end thought I'd share some information, guides, assistance that I carry around in my toolbelt these days. In particular I'm excited about a remarkable woman named Laurie Bloom who also goes by the moniker: Ajnira. She's a tremendously talented healer, teacher, channeler. She must be feeling the pull of the chaos as well because she is now offering classes to contend with the personal planetary onslaught of these days. Check her out.
Laurie Bloom - Ajnira at the Healing Zone
Introducing our New Class Schedule. Become your own healer in an hour with a simple, easy to use healing method. Become part of the global movement for direct healing. Step by step demonstration makes removing anything from viruses, bacterial, fungal, microbial, parasitic, flus, colds, chronic conditions ( pain, allergies, addictions,
STD's), a reality. From simple to complex conditions and disease processes. Get health-wise. Can curing Pathology really be this simple ? Simple and fascinating. Come join Ajnira and lead the way to true health Security in your family, friends and communities. We will send you home curing yourself and your loved ones.
This will be the first of of a 3 class series, repeating monthly. Each class building on the basic concepts introduced in:
Class 1 beginning Monday October 22, 2007 7-8:30 PM
Class 2: Monday November 26, 2007 7-8:30 PM
Class 3 Monday December 21, 2007 7-8:30 PM
Ajnira Lauire Bloom, MS is a practicing nutritionist, energy healer, hypnosis professional and intuitive. She has been self-healing for over 20 years.
Develop your Intuitive Skills. Educate your intuition and awaken true intelligence. How to begin or deepen your comfort and skill with divination. We will explore the unseen realms of information, wisdom and spirituality together. Demonstration of different Approaches, including creating your own system of tools. These can offer practical solutions and insights To the Cosmic nature of your life that can help create a new level of empowerment.
This will begin a series of 6 classes repeating monthly, each class progressing to new levels of development using your intuitive tools and understandings.
Teacher: Ajnira Lauire Bloom. MS psychic reader, healer, and intuitive channel
People in all age brackets from all walks of life find my readings interesting and relevant to the questions they are asking in their lives.
Call for Space: 973-509-8908
$33 per session
Classes held at The Healing Zone
127 Valley Sacred Space
Located at: 127 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ
I agree, Laurie is a blessing during the exhausting transformation process. She cuts to the chase and then gives you the tools needed to continue the growth process. Very few healers are as capable as she is.
Rekha, thanks for providing this. I for one can attest to the healing and comfort that Laurie's work imparts.
Lisa's going to have to create her own fanzine...
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