Remarkable thing I saw this morning. A snow white swan sitting in the mud. The marshland in which she sat would normally be flooded with water. But today, this morning at 8:30 must have been low tide. Miss Swan must have decided not to be deterred by a lack of water and perched her pristine butt in the mud. I could not help but think how apt an image she presented. Sometimes you just don't give a shit, you just wanna sit down.
Speaking of kickass women, I've been reading a book titled Mama Gena's Marriage Manual: Stop Being a Good Wife, Start Being a Sister Goddess. The author, aka Regena Thomashauer offers a refreshing take on relationships. It's not all about HIM. It's about you. So be the happiest, sexiest, most fulfilled woman you can be and your relationship will thrive. Here's a quote from the publisher:
So, you found yourself a man. You owned him, you operated him, you dragged him back to your cave and married him -- and now you can't remember why you wanted him! Not to fear, because celebrated relationship expert Regena Thomashauer has returned, ready to turn the walking, talking, care-taking coma that is your marriage into a hot, juicy celebration of love and life.
One of the recommended steps in the Manual is to meet regularly with a group of women to conduct a Sister Goddess Date. Which is, as you might guess a gathering of femmes for no other reason than to celebrate each other. Happily taking this advice, a group of friends have set our first Sister Goddess Date, during Easter, no less! Should be a hoot.
Love the idea of a woman being responsible for her own happiness in a relationship. Many of us have been brought up to believe that the man is the focus in a relationship. When this happens we lose our true selves, the one he fell in love with. Maintaining that sense of self combined with spontaneity, enthusiasm, and love of life, keeps that man as well as the world in love with you : )
Lourdes, responses like that are the reason you are my relationship hero. Lead on you fabulous man trainer!
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