Bloomfield, NJ. A suburban town on the fringes of a more affluent and sexier town called Montclair offered no great claim to fame. Other than the least crowded iHop in the world. That is until now. Suddenly Bloomfield is flooding the news, all because this town was selected to be the location of the final scene (and by final they mean the last scene until they resusitate enough energy to shoot more episodes) of the Sopranos. That is until the never-before-encountered residents of Bloomfield threw back their heads and gave an almighty roar. No Italian-American defamation in our town, dammit! Seriously, the mayor's wife doesn't approve of the the negative portrayal of Italians in Sopranos and convinced her hubby to nix the deal and the notariety such distinction would bring to this obscure burg.
Meanwhile, the owners of Holstens, an ice cream parlor and confectionary can't be happy. While they have been happily feeding old fashioned ice cream Jerseyites for over 50 years just imagine the publicity the Sopranos would generate. But apparently the sun never goes down on the Sopranos. While the town has handed over 2 verdicts (first a yes, then a vehement no to the filming) the final say might yet be a yea. Apparently the Town Clerk, Louise Palagano says the show must go on. Meanwhile one can well imagine the heavy eye rolling in the Soprano camp. I wouldn't be surprised to see the final episode shot at Baskin Robbins.
Hi Rekha,
This is cool. How are you? I'll be in your State the end of next week. Visiting the US after 7 years. I'll look you up.
Hey Siv? What a surprise to hear from you. Hope you're doing well? email me at rekhached@hotmail.com so we can get together.
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