Thursday, January 04, 2007

Pelosi in the House!

So it begins. The first woman has been elected as Speaker of the House. Madame Speaker, if you will. Whohoo! And what a class act Nancy Pelosi brings to the deeply partisan, corruption-riddled House of Reps. "I accept this gavel in the spirit of partnership, not partisanship," she said as she jubilantly grasped the symbol of power from Minority Leader John Boehner. One of my favorite websites that is truly intended for the study of Astrology, but offers a remarkable filter on the politics of this nation is the Daykeeper website. Take a look at their thoughtful overview of the background and future potential of Madame Speaker.

1 comment:

mam said...

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This is *not* a spam email, I tried to find your email address on your blog, but couldn't find one.
