My Indian genes have preserved my body remarkably well. I always got carded well into my late 30s. That's about the age that my metabolism decided to shift from brisk to a mosey. I found myself contemplating a diet for the first time in my life. Now, now. Don't be hating.
The only reason I don't diet is beccause I am a adamant exerciser. Gym workouts 3 - 5 days a week. Tennis on weekends. Walking the dog. Let me clarify - walking my Jack Russell. Long vacations at the beach bodysurfing, boogeyboarding and just plain flailing about in the ocean. That and the fact that a size 4ish size body, sometimes 6 when it feels in a lumpy mood, is okay by me. But with an upcoming wedding and the nagging notion that the old bod isn't as vibrant as it ought to be, a change of pace is called for.
So I performed the obligatory review of exercise books on Amazon. Checked out the South Beach diet, the Aktins, the Thyroid and Nutrisystem. In reading the philosophies, I had to conclude that a lower carb option was my best best. So I put myself on a modified Atkins which I cleverly called a "Detox". And in truth, it really was. No carbs, no sugar and (drumroll) no alcohol for 6 weeks. The first few weeks produced the best results. Not that the pounds magically melted, but the gut receded and my arms began showing visible definition from weight lifting. More to come as the Detox progresses. Stay tuned.
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