But the experts can explain much better than I can. Here's Elizabeth Jones of Astrology of Light.
My friend and bad ass astrologer Rex Estell had this to say:
Neptune, the planet of compassion and romance, goes Direct today, after months of being in reverse (phew!), so life gets easier with this placement. The Moon enters earthy Taurus, meets up with lucky Jupiter, and harmonizes with the repairman Pluto, in the sign of success, Capricorn, which means we shift out of the past, and our latest dreams can begin to manifest now that we've eliminated all that doesn't work
Dream big. Demand and believe you are worthy of the most abundant life imaginable. The juiciest, most blissful love and the most worthy and enduring partner. Refuse to be anything but the most authentic you, and get richly rewarded professionally and intimately for being just that. Don't let fear or ego keep you from what or whom you want. Matter of fact, go for what you crave most.
Let's rock.
Editorial Note
I received some requests for contacting Rex directly. Rather not publish his phone but you can email contact him via his Facebook page. If you're FB challenged (who ARE you?) then reach Rex on his website. Sign up for his daily video forecasts. Matter of fact, call him for a reading. It's like 5 years of therapy rolled into 1 hour. And Rex's code of astrologic ethics as almost as binding as a doctors. He listens to everyone but divulges nothing.
1 comment:
Wow Rake, pretty intense.
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