My Dad's been fighting a haircut for months. His balding hair is getting long and straggley in the back and still he resists a trip to the barber. "You cut it," he requests. Which I've done in the past I'm ashamed to admit. Not that it's horrendous, but I just ain't no hairstylist.
This weekend was the end of the road for his graying elf-locks. On the way to a birthday party I pulled up in front of a turquoise blue shop. "Chello!" I commanded in my bossiest voice. (Note: not that I have one, I must have conjured it from the ether...)We walked into the shop which was populated by three men casually lounging in barber chairs. It's a little dingy, sagging floors, pictures of thong-clad girls pasted on the walls. Red Bull and Gatorade's litter the counter. It looks just like a scene from the Movies - Barbershop 1 - 5.
"We'd like a cut and clean up for my father" I tell the guy clearing a chair for us. Sure he replies, indicating that Dad be seated. But Dad isn't paying attention. He's rifling through the magazines for something to read. His eyes light up and he clutches one as he's seated. It's a Playboy. A freaking Playboy. With Leeann Tweeden on the cover. Who the hell is Leeann Tweeden and why is my Dad checking out her tatas?
Julio expertly trims and buzzes Dad's coif with masculine ritual. Say what you will about women and their nails, men are just as habitual. And Dad's greatly enjoying this ritual. He graciously thanks Julio for an excellent job. I handsomely tip Julio who smiles like a gentleman but still checks out my booty.
Dad is all smiles as he checks out his 'do. "We'll come again," he says. I'd like to think the lure is the pampering, not Leeann...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
No Fooling - This Could be Big

But the experts can explain much better than I can. Here's Elizabeth Jones of Astrology of Light.
My friend and bad ass astrologer Rex Estell had this to say:
Neptune, the planet of compassion and romance, goes Direct today, after months of being in reverse (phew!), so life gets easier with this placement. The Moon enters earthy Taurus, meets up with lucky Jupiter, and harmonizes with the repairman Pluto, in the sign of success, Capricorn, which means we shift out of the past, and our latest dreams can begin to manifest now that we've eliminated all that doesn't work
Dream big. Demand and believe you are worthy of the most abundant life imaginable. The juiciest, most blissful love and the most worthy and enduring partner. Refuse to be anything but the most authentic you, and get richly rewarded professionally and intimately for being just that. Don't let fear or ego keep you from what or whom you want. Matter of fact, go for what you crave most.
Let's rock.
Editorial Note
I received some requests for contacting Rex directly. Rather not publish his phone but you can email contact him via his Facebook page. If you're FB challenged (who ARE you?) then reach Rex on his website. Sign up for his daily video forecasts. Matter of fact, call him for a reading. It's like 5 years of therapy rolled into 1 hour. And Rex's code of astrologic ethics as almost as binding as a doctors. He listens to everyone but divulges nothing.
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Nothing in the Middle But Me

I don't wanna give up my story
I don't wanna give up my pride
I don't wanna give you the glory
If I could I would let you inside.
Peel back the layers
What do ya see?
Nothing in the middle but me
Nothing in the middle but me.
If I had to give up my story
If I had to give it to you
Would you hold on to it for me
Would you know what to do with the truth?
If you had to unravel my story
Would you be ok when you see
Do you think you would be sorry
When there's nothing in the middle but me.
Peel back the layers
What do ya see?
Nothing in the middle but me
Nothing in the middle but me.
Now imagine this backed up by a Ukele. That's right you heard me. Oddly fitting for the frolicksome songs this elfgirl wrote for her third album: Pink Umbrella. Performing live she's backed by Ritt Henn whose plucks on the double bass provide a gentle cushion for the lilting melodies. Then there's the drummer playing the underside of a tambourine with drum brushes. I've heard his named whispered before. Jagoda's playing on the album or he's producing the new song. Jagoda turns out to be a surnameless musican with an eerie affinity for rhythm, drumbeat in particular. That and a wickedly dry sense of humor.
That they are exceptional musicans is obvious. The ease with which they perform blows me away. Cary owns the solo limelight with the casual confidence of a longtime pro. The stories she scatters between songs mark her a true folk singer. Like Left You for Jesus with the hilarious line: "Till another fella broke your your spell." What poor sot has a chance against Jesus? Even if the son of God isn't that romantic and doesn't party much?
The timing of this solo tour is perfectly timed. Cary and husband Tom Prasada-Rao both appear on CW's Troubadour, TX. A reality show about Texan singers. Finally the big bad world gets to hear my favorite male vocalist! Topped off with the beauty and winesome charm of Cary, methinks there's super stardom brewing for that family.
If you don't catch Cary live you can check out her albums, listen to snips of her latest stuff and watch the latest episode of Troubadour, TX. If she does drop into your neck of the woods, give her a listen.
Cary Cooper
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