Sunday, June 08, 2008


It happens so fast. One minute you're grieving the loss of an 8 year relationship, the security of knowing he can handle any disaster; a flooded basement, a dead possum, the wireless Internet connection. One minute you miss his warm body next to you in bed then before you know it you're contemplating who will occupy that empty space.

As if to mock the state of desolation your garden thrives as if it were located in the lush rain forests of the tropics rather than Northern New Jersey. The Joseph's Coat roses, named for their glorious show of petals that start out orange, merge into salmon then fade into a vicious pink, clamber over the fence as enthusiastically as if it were deep summer rather than just late spring. The peonies bloomed so early you had only 1 week to enjoy their fragrant wispy blooms the size of large grapefruits. And the mint! Good lord the mint has already grown to nipple height, increasing their sensual, beguiling allure. But I don't have to tell that to my friends or the dog. He tramples through the mint bed to cool his smelly, popcorn scented feet. My friends embrace the cool, herby stalks for Mojitos or chutney. Or like my friend Barbara, to writhe upon in ecstatic frenzy, like a person with human catnip.

Books you start reading: how to cook for 1. Emails you begin paying attention to: eHarmony and You begin to wonder if Facebook could be a good thing...


Giovanna said...

Spring and summer are always very interesting seasons. One starts with fresh possibilities of what we look forward to every year, renewed life, while the other may test our resolve, or at least mine. From roses to mint, the aromas fill our environments giving us hope of what our most primal desires embrace, companionship. I bought I king-sized bed last year 'preparing' my state-of-mind and initimate space for well, glorious moments of intimacy. Well, there is nothing like a 5'2 woman sleeping horizontally on the bed with both cats on either side keeping her company. Someone once told me, or suggested, to have a glass of wine, to flower the bed with a nice fragrance and to indulge in a good book, or ummm movie, but the thing is that so many of us, men and women alike are yearning for that warm mass next to us at night. A simple strong and consistent pulse! And the summer, unlike the holiday season that is perhaps the most intrusive time for feeling even more sola, does bring an added je ne sais quoi to the air that just makes my heart and mind call out for that warmness during my repose. Now, there have been times, okay you have to get creative, that I have put some pillows next to me in an effort to create the 'illusion' of comfort. eh, there are so many of us going through this transition and perhaps, like I said to my bro this morning, could it be so that we BE so much of a better companion?

Rekha Chedalavada said...

Love this G. Speaking of blogging...