While this eclipse hasn't been as devastating as the last one, I thought I'd offer a few links to navigate it nonetheless. check out my favorite site on the undulations of the moon, Mooncircles. Also helpful is The Daykeeper Journal.
Strategies to attain your destiny
Miss Rekha,
This transformation stuff is a doozy! Really takes it out of you. So no, you're not expected to transform and blog at the same time. :) I think we can give you a pass for this one.
Thanks for all the info on the eclipse, though. It actually eases the transition, and has helped me be more mentally and emotionally prepared.
Peace and blessings,
Hey, RC, you know my answer: blog at work (the transformation part's a little more difficult in corporate America). You still working at the Dark Star? I'm in midtown as a BA. Write or call anytime: dailyrev@gmail.com 646-726-8185. Has "1,000 Years" sold yet?
Prof! good hearing from ya. Yes I'm still at the "Star". 1YKB not sold yet but I'm on a great track and finding even more supporters and fans. Now for those pesky agents and publishers...
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