A colleague of mine, Erin told me this hawk story in the midst of a chaotic, heart-wrenching week.
His bride of 2 weeks called Erin at work, informing him that a baby hawk had crash landed in their backyard. The little guy (dubbed Beaky) lay on his back, fluttering but unable to right itself. He messed about during the day until Erin returned home from work. Worrying about predators, Erin gently righted the fledgling and allowed it perch on his arm. Now Erin is a guy with a penchant for winged creatures, you might call them his totem. So the companionship of a wee hawk destined to be a magnificent creature with a wingspan exceeding 6 feet thrilled him to his toes. In his droll manner Erin described it this way: It exceeded expectations for my day.
Despite the bonding and mutual admiration between hawk and man, the little guy was still unable to take flight. Summoned were the ASPCA people who arrived to inspect his physical state - bones, pinions, feathers and make sure he was hydrated and fed. They plan to release him in the same location tomorrow. Hopefully Mama or Daddy Hawk will spot him and assist in his ascent back to the nest.
If I hear more, I'll let you know.