While I'm not one to ponder on celebrity shennanigans, I must admit I did watch the weekend's newsclips of Britney Spears and her shaved head with a sense of inevitability. We've all known her ascent to stardom could only be eclipsed by her descent into self destruction, or worse, mediocrity. And she didn't disappoint. So what is this fascination with celebrities by our culture? Author of Fame Junkies Jake Halpern says fame is addictive. I haven't read the book yet so I can't tell you why. But when I do rest assured I will share.
But in the meantime, can I point out that if we spent as much time acting to save the Amazon forests or helping to reverse the effects of global warming or doing something about the million plus animals that will be euthanized this year as we do filling our heads with news about Britney and Anna Nicole, we might just achieve something. But then there's the rub, to reverse destruction you have to act first. Whereas to entertain your mind, albeit for the briefest of moments, only takes one click of the remote control to E!
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