Friday, September 22, 2006

As the World Turns

A full moon lunar eclipse, 2 housing contracts that fell through, a blow to the head, sparring Jack Russells and fishing with chum. These are things that have transpired since I last wrote in this blog. Been a wild and wooly week. And today just happens to be the last day of summer. While I'd like to rhapsodize over the lure and luxury of summer's sun, my wilted head limits my capacity to thus rhapsodize so I'll just say: dammit. I hate when it gets cold and dark. My dog hates it as well, huddling his wee, dog bones under any blanket or comforter that he can find. Usually it's my $700 all down comforter. Handy comforter, it warms what lays upon it as well as what lays under it. Lucky dog.

And did I mention that in addition to being the last day of summer, today also heralds the solar eclipse. The Autumnal Equinox begins the season and ends the sun-rich growing season. The focus from now will be reaping the benefits of what we have sown. So I think back on what I've nurtured and fed, watered and fertilized over the season. And I welcome the fruits of my labor.

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