Friday, November 03, 2006

Election Hoopla

Not so happy with John Kerry these days. Not for making the comment about studying hard to avoid getting sent to Iraq, no problem with that at all. I mean of all people John Kerry would know that it SUCKS to get stuck in a hostile country, fighting a war with the sole premise of protecting Big Oil interests. So what's the big deal here folks? I'm ticked off that Kerry apologized for his comment. What he said is in no way derogatory of the troops in Iraq. They only re-affirm the truth about war - it's undesirable, it's dangerous and it's not a final solution.

Kerry should have stuck to his, um, guns. He should have said - I entirely support our men and women busting their asses on foreign soil so I can drive my Canary Yellow Hummer without fearing the disappearance of that little thing called gasoline. He should have said - study hard boys and girls. Learn that education and intelligence can make a difference in this world. You can make a difference by using your God-given talents for the enrichment of all mankind. You don't have to sacrifice your youth, your body, your family or your life for the sake of your country. Be smart and learns how to make a difference in this world by getting a great education. Learn what the world, not just your town or your state or your country thinks. Learn the history of ancient people and lands. Then you will be armed with knowledge to make decisions, instead of following a masculine directive to outpower and destroy.

Ok, so maybe Kerry wouldn't have said all that. But someone sure should.

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